Like flock of birds, or a school of fishes that move simultaneously with such perfect unity, so is human consciousness. We are all individual manifestations of this vast and encompassing unity of manhood. The school of fish moves with such unity that it is impossible to attribute it to some kind communication. We must admit that although there are many fishes, the school behaves as one entity. In the same sense of this grand view, so is humanity. Our very minute differences are negligible, hardly noticed, in the light of such universal truths. Our culture tends to magnify these differences, but as a hole we all behave under the same mental rolls and laws.
Most major human archetypes pre-exist in the collective unconscious of humanity. They repeat themselves eternally in the psyches of human beings and they determine how we both perceive and behave. These patterns are inborn within us. They are part of our inheritance as human beings. They reside as energy within the collective unconscious and are part of the psychological life of all peoples everywhere at all times. This far-reaching documentary series will try to investigate these shared mental patterns that unite us all.
ONE & ALL will playfully explore the ‘big’ issues that confront all human beings, like good and evil, male – female sexuality, fear of death and survival. It will do so by examining the lifestyles of twelve diverse communities throughout the world, as if they were the raw material of a formidable drama. The series will draw information from sources such as the Bible, the Koran, the I-Ching, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Greek Mythology and African and Irish Folklore. With such a presumptuous challenge, we can’t afford to be what’s normally called serious. Therefore, a comic-like host will present the heaviest questions in the lightest way. We are creating a new format of documentary filmmaking. It will be a jazzy combination of pure entertainment and thought provoking topics. We are tired of experts spewing forth their philosophies and thoughts. We want to let life itself tell the story of the human condition. To do this, the host will interweave myth and folklore to help bind together this modern day human mosaic and expose the hidden glue that makes us One & All.
Sun-Chi, a beautiful woman of the Nashi Tribe of Southern China , has taken on a lover. She chose him from among five men who came to court her.
In a pub in Dublin Franky explains man-woman relationship. With drunken confidence he says, “It’s all a fuckin’ game to get me pole into her pond. It’s like hookin’ a fish.”
Gordon, a Buddhist monk living in Thailand , claims that abstinence and permissiveness are two opposite extremes, neither of which resolves the dilemma… if there is a dilemma.
At a home for the elderly in Israel , 76-year-old Yosik explains that in the 1920s, the men and women of the kibbutz would bathe together naked. Free love prevailed. 74-year-old Rivkaleh smiles at the memory and asks Yosik if he wants to take a bath.
At a hi-tech programming firm in Japan , men and women try to overcome a technical problem by integrating masculine attitude with feminine quality.
The Yuqui of Bolivia : Indigenous people of the Amazon – a fading tribe. The attempts of the missionaries to dress these forest Indians and the conflicts that arise.
The Ammarin Bedouin Tribe of Southern Jordan : Traditional nomads in the process of urbanization.
Folklore Band in Cameroon : The performers earn their livelihood by translating their native village myths into folklore for tourists.
A Hi-Tech Firm in Japan : A software company that develops computer games based on Manga-Anime. The encounter between the traditional, conservative Japanese way of life and the frenzied spirit of hi-tech industry.
A Pub in Ireland : A traditional pub in the northwestern part of Ireland with all the dynamics of human relationships.
A Typical Indian Film Set in Mumbai: The making of a film shows the mythic content of the past in contrast with the changing realities of contemporary India .
The Nashi – A Matriarchal Tribe in Southern China : An ancient culture whose sex-differentiated roles differ vastly from those familiar to us.
A Mental Hospital in Moscow: Perestroika led to a change in attitudes towards mental health care in the Soviet Union . Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis, banned by the old Communist regime, could now be practiced freely.
A Street Gang in Los Angeles : Street gang initiation and acceptance rites, myths and symbols are very similar to those of tribal societies.
A British Boarding School : A traditional British boarding school in the process of becoming coeducational.
A Home for the Elderly on a Kibbutz in Israel : A look at an ideological community on the wane, the shattering of a dream. Coping with new everyday realities stripped of the myths of the past.
Tam Krabuk – A Buddhist Monastery in Thailand : This remote monastery hosts a unique detoxification and rehabilitation program for drug addicts, reflecting the encounter between traditional Buddhist values and the ills of the modern world.
The Host:
The series will be led by a host who will link the scenes by drawing attention to the unifying elements in each episode. The host will play comic dramatizations based on Zen, Hassidic and Sufi tales and tell a few hopefully good jokes. He is kind of a court jester who expresses the simple, yet shocking truth that the world is not what it appears to be. We have succeeded to put man on the moon, but bypassed some very primal and basic questions; Is there universal GOOD and EVIL? What is LOVE? Everybody seems to know, but do we really know what relating is all about? And what is REAL? We will attempt to create a visual experience that will bypass the limits of words, believing that the media is a great part of the message. The series’ host will help to transmit this message in a humorous, jazzy and MTV-like style.
The Episodes:
The episodes will be titled after main epics of the Bible (as seen below). The greatness of the Bible lies in its unification of the major myths of the ancient world. These myths are not merely folktales, but milestones in the development of human consciousness.
1. Creation – The Big Bang (The Story of Creation) How did it really all begin? Is it the creation of human consciousness - the dawn of culture? Who were the players involved? Did God have anything to do with it?
2. Male – Female (The Creation of Adam and Eve) Is there a universal logic behind human sexual behavior? Do the same principle laws imprint us all? What are the forces at play during the sexual encounter?
3. Good – Evil (The Tree of Knowledge) What is the meaning of knowledge and why are we addicted to it? Is there universal GOOD and EVIL? Can we judge between good and evil, between right and wrong? Who is the judge?
4. Sacrifice – Sin (Cain and Abel) When did man start to possess and acquire (material and otherwise)? Can it be linked to the beginning of farming? Is jealousy and desire a result of possessing? Why should one sacrifice anything?!
5. Time as a Continuum – Time as a Cycle (Lineage from Cain to Noah) What is time, and what roll does it play in our mentality? What is the meaning of time and life within an historical perspective? Can time come to an end?
6. Holocaust – Survival (The Flood) How does man relate to the forces of nature, natural disasters and the loss of humanity? From where does human conflict arise? What is black magic? And how are symbols and myths used in a negative way?
7. Language – Confusion (The Tower of Babel ) What is the root of human language? Is it only functional? Or does it have a hidden purpose? Is there a universal language? And can it be myth? What is the relationship between words and numbers?
8. Faith – Suffering (Abraham - The First Revolutionary) What is the root of all suffering? Is it, like Buddha said, lack of faith? Is belief the birth of human awareness? Is it the root of intelligence? What is intelligence?
9. Fertility – Sterility (Sarah and the Birth of Isaac) Was the first goddess Mother Earth? Is birth the ultimate in creativity? What is the relationship between creativity and fertility? Who is the Great Mother? What is the relationship between shamanistic fertility and the Bible?
10. Laughter – Fear (Isaac) When do we laugh and why? Is it like Freud claimed - all wishful thinking? Or maybe laughter is a result of an extraordinarily miraculous event? What are feelings and how are they related to thought? How can we put a word on a feeling? Is laughter the best medicine?
11. Nation – Assimilation (Jacob and Sons) What is the root of national identity? And why do we need symbols? Why and when do nations disappear? Can people celebrate without the use of power? What is power?
12. Slavery – Control ( Egypt and Exodus) What does it mean to be a slave? Is there a difference between the master and the slave? What is the cause of all slavery and addiction? Why do we need hierarchies? Is there a way to completely free oneself from slavery?
13. Revelation – Concealment (The Ten Commandments) What is Enlightenment? Is there such a thing? Can it be related to the quantum law or perhaps to the “chaos” theory? Do we all have the potential to be creative? And what stops us, if at all?
Each episode will combine short documentary scenes from the various communities (The Human Mosaic) and present their unique approach to the episode’s theme. We will observe communities from a mythic standpoint, trying to expose the universal meaning of their lives.
Kabala predates any religion or theology. During the golden age in Spain , between the 12th and 13th centuries CE; Muslims, Christians and Jews studied together the powerful secrets of the Kabala. This flourishing encounter enriched all religions and contributed to the development of esoteric learning throughout the western hemisphere. The ancient Kabalists are indeed mentioned in history books as outstanding inventors, developers, and philosophers.
Kabala strives to bring us to a pre-biblical consciousness, a realm of timeless values that is one step prior to organized religion. This state of being is one of simple Godliness. It is the moment before you say a prayer, when you close your eyes and just feel the power of forces beyond comprehension, rather than the words of the prayer or the way in which they are said. Kabala is about harnessing the energy of the universe to benefit humanity, those around you, and yourself. Kabala is not about traditional religion; it's about science, ethics, and reality; it's about tapping into the energy of the Universe.