The secret doctrine of Kabala encompasses all these divine secrets. Kabala is a compilation of the basic truths of the Universe, hidden for thousands of years. Today many Kabalists agree that the secrets of Kabala should be revealed and become open to a broader audience. Since man has acquired the ability to destroy himself, it is vital for him to learn the laws of his reality. In this fascinating series we shall explore the Kabala teachings – the roots and essence of the miraculous in our life. Through exploring the creative life of five outstanding individuals, we will try to comprehend the secret of secrets of the Kabala.
Kabala predates any religion or theology. During the golden age in Spain , between the 12th and 13th centuries CE; Muslims, Christians and Jews studied together the powerful secrets of the Kabala. This flourishing encounter enriched all religions and contributed to the development of esoteric learning throughout the western hemisphere. The ancient Kabalists are indeed mentioned in history books as outstanding inventors, developers, and philosophers.
Kabala strives to bring us to a pre-biblical consciousness, a realm of timeless values that is one step prior to organized religion. This state of being is one of simple Godliness. It is the moment before you say a prayer, when you close your eyes and just feel the power of forces beyond comprehension, rather than the words of the prayer or the way in which they are said. Kabala is about harnessing the energy of the universe to benefit humanity, those around you, and yourself. Kabala is not about traditional religion; it's about science, ethics, and reality; it's about tapping into the energy of the Universe.